Do you need a Serum and a Moisturiser?


Serums are formulated to address specific skin issues like discolouration, dullness, fine lines, and acne and for keeping your skin hydrated.

Serums are formulated to deliver essential nutrients to your skin while moisturisers hydrate and protect.

While both serums and moisturisers are effective on their own, the results are even better when they’re used together.

Our skin is influenced by our genetics, health, hormones, emotions and environment.

Smaller molecules allow serums to deliver nutrients into the deeper layers of skin that moisturisers don’t reach.

A moisturiser has larger molecules than a serum meaning that a moisturiser will not penetrate the skin as far as a serum will.

Moisturisers are traditionally creams, which help soften and hydrate the skin by reducing evaporation and locking in moisture. Basically, moisturisers create a barrier over the top layer of your skin to seal moisture against the skin. Over time this “sealed” moisture absorbs into the skin.

Serums have concentrated ingredients like antioxidants, vitamins, skin brighteners, peptides or exfoliators.

Serums are formulated to penetrate deeply into the skin layers. A serum can be used to address specific skincare concerns such as ageing, dark spots, fine lines, clogging or dry skin.

Serums are applied sparingly after cleansing and /or toning (the ingredients are concentrated so you’ll only need a small amount). Wait a minute or two (clean your teeth ?) then apply your moisturiser.

I use Nourish Day Serum after a spritz with Toning Mist and then seal in the goodness with Renew Peptide Moisturiser. This also protects my skin from the environment. If I’m going to be outdoors I’ll add an SPF 50+ sunscreen over the moisturiser.

Do you use a serum, moisturiser or both? 

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